Open for Application



For information about the currently open call for proposals, please click here.

decolonize! is CRIF’s flagship grantmaking portfolio. It is an opportunity to radically re-imagine resourcing a children’s rights movement—one that courageously contends with the legacies and current realities of colonialism and racism by resourcing the work of Black youth workers, children and youth activists.

The first iteration of decolonize! traced the trans-atlantic slave trade, and funded Black youth in West Africa and the Americas working within and across communities, countries, and continents to respond to current day impacts of racism, anti-Blackness, and colonialism —and to share strategies and approaches on how to tear them down. Learn more about the 1st iteration in the learning briefs here and here.

The second and current iteration of decolonize! Seeks to fund Black youth, below 30, from the Caribbean, Kenya and Nigeria Call for Proposals is open to Black youth under 30 from the Caribbean, Kenya, and Nigeria who are using art to push back against racism, colonialism, and anti-Blackness.

To learn more about this current iteration of decolonize! and apply for a grant, click here.

Watch decolonize! in action

What are our learning questions?

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What are our learning questions?

Root Cause

Racism and Colonialism :

How are Black children and youth organizing against racial injustice in their communities, nationally and globally?


Black youth workers AND children and youth activists :

How does a grantmaking strategy co-designed and led by Black children, youth activists and youth workers better resource work at the intersections of children's rights and racial justice?


West Africa and the Americas :

Where does work at the intersections of children's rights and racial justice converge and diverge globally? What possibilities exist for transnational movement–building among Black children and youth activists?


Participatory Grantmaking :

How can philanthropy better resource Black youth organizing at the intersections of children's rights and racial justice?